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Smile Safari

Instagram and TikTok museum

Capturing moments, crafting smiles and bringing brands to life

Smile Safari, the first interactive Instagram and TikTok museum in Belgium, is Hurae’s tribute to young creators and their never-ending stream of funny online content.

Visitors feel how we’ve put our hearts in every design detail of this fascinating decor, wandering in a 1,300 square meters of imaginative installations and captivating scenery. Smiles all over the place, and definitely on social media. Smile Safari inspires to interact on photos and videos, for families, influencers and even hiphop-bands.

4 editions and 1 pop-up

We’ve successfully opened Safari’s in Brussels (Tour & Taxis and Anspach Shopping), Lille (France), Wijnegem, and did a pop-up in Kortrijk. Smile Safari rewrote the norms of experiential entertainment. This social venture rapidly rose to become Europe's largest of its kind, in only 3 years.Collaborations with brands such as Technopolis, Febelfin, Samsung, Coca-Cola, and Audi made Smile Safari a brand activation tool, and an even more colorful and interactive experience. Within Smile Safari, brands connect with online creators in their natural habitat: social media.

Winner of a
Golden BEA in 2020.

A collaboration between Hurae and Citycubes
Production partner: Plug n’ Play