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Employer branding on Tiktok

Transforming potatoes on TikTok into career opportunities.

Agristo, a Belgian producer of frozen potato products, is eager to reach future employees through TikTok. Hurae started a TikTok journey with the Agristo marketing team. Based on a set of strategic sessions, we developed an employer branding story based on co-creation of content. Thanks to this approach, Agristo is now using TikTok as an innovative recruitment channel. Agristo's main account posts variations on trends to reach young people and inform them about the opportunities of working at Agristo.

Ambassador programme

To extend the reach of TikTok, we launched an internal ambassador programme. We train seven employees to become Agristo ambassadors. They are active on both their own TikTok channel and that of the company. We meet with them bi-weekly to review their latest content and discuss trends for upcoming TikToks.


Although the ambassador programme has only just started, the initial results are promising. Thanks to bookended posts, Agristo is frequently noticed when people scroll through their Foryou page. And besides the numbers, the account is often mentioned during job interviews. These are exactly the effects Agristo had in mind.

Agristo’s TikTok mention in job interviews echoes our intended effects.

Client: Agristo
Tiktok coach: Magnolia Tsogbé
Brain, design and strategy: Hurae