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Walk on WatAR Kortrijk

AR Interactieve wandelroute

Kortrijk’s hidden treasures. An interactive AR-route

In collaboration with the City of Kortrijk, Hurae developed an interactive walking route for tourists, small and large families and people who want to experience a sporty and educational getaway in Kortrijk. 

Kortrijk lies by the Leie, which weaves its way through the city. A lot of Kortrijk's history is due to the presence of that river. That is why the city decided to develop an interactive activity themed "Water".

The resulting walking route combines prominent landmarks with an AR layer that hikers can access via their mobile phone. The augmented reality on screen invites users to share on social media and to relive the experience afterwards.

Perfect for engaging, sharing, and creating unforgettable moments!

Client: Stad Kortrijk
AR and App development: Tropos AR
Brain, design and strategy: Hurae